Telefoonnummer +31 252 210611


second-hand WAV conversions

As brand new WAV vehicles might be very expensive, you can also choose for more affordable second-hand WAV vehicles.

Continuously we have an assortment of around 100+ second-hand WAV vehicles on stock. An overview of our assortment could be found on our (Dutch) website:

second-hand WAV vehicles

Please note these vehicles are priced for Dutch customers (including Dutch taxes). Export of these vehicles "might" result in cheaper export prices.

Bierman Export Warranty

As we are striving to excell in de delivering the best quality wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAV), this also applies to our second-hand vehicles. To guarantee the quality we stand for, we supply our second-hand vehicles including some certainties, which are guaranteed by the Bierman Export Warranty:

  1. Short delivery times (< 1 week)
  2. 6 months of warranty
  3. Guaranteed mileage
  4. Maintenance on schedule / done
  5. Full check on WAV conversion
  6. Full fuel tank by delivery
  7. Full supply of correct export documents
  8. Full support during export process



For more information about our second-hand WAV vehicles, feel free to contact us by telephone +31 252 210611 or use our contact form.
We will always respond within 24 hours.
